
Search results

  1. Home Buyer Education 2 Workshop

    OSU Extension, Franklin County offers home buyer education workshop series designed to assist prospective home buyers in achieving their dream of owning a home and building a better future for their families. Our program is one of only a handful in Centra ...

  2. Home Buyer Education 1 Workshop

    OSU Extension, Franklin County offers home buyer education workshop series designed to assist prospective home buyers in achieving their dream of owning a home and building a better future for their families. Our program is one of only a handful in Centra ...

  3. Over the River and Through the Woods

    ability to move freely throughout the home without increasing the risk of falls.  Just because you can ...

  4. Agricultural Communication Visit Day

    Communication Visit Day on Friday, October 18, 2013 for high school students interested in studying agricultural ...

  5. The Effect of Soybean Seeding Rate on Yield in a Field with High Disease Pressure from Water Molds

    2014%20Fulton%20Soybean%20Seeding%20Rate%20and%20Water%20Molds.pdf 2014 Soybean Soybean Soybean Planting Soybean Disease 2014 Fulton seeding rate ...

  6. Weed Identification Resources

    characteristics a lot of variation occurs, and not just between species but within as well.  Feel free to email us ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-06

    utilized for that undesired scenario in corn, soybeans and wheat. * For farmers who grow forages, check out ...

  8. MGV Leadership Team Meeting


  9. Breakfast on the Farm


  10. Container Gardening Workshop

    There will be a  Container Gardening Workshop held on Wednesday June 13th at 5:30 pm  at The Charles Madison Nabrit Memorial Garden, behind The Church of Christ of the Apostolic Faith. This class is free and  open to the public. Free parking on site. Clic ...
