
Search results

  1. OARDC Brach Station Two Inch Soil Temperatures

    soil temperatures in the spring. The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) ... Agricultural Research Station located throughout the state have 2 and 4 inch bare surface soil temperatures ... monitored on an hourly basis. The chart provided here summarizes the average daily two inch bare soil ...

  2. Precision Ag In Conservation Workshop Presentations

    Farm Data for Documenting Practices- John Fulton/ John Barker Yield level summaries from Climate ...

  3. More on Fungicides and Tank-Mixing with Insecticides

    Gray Leaf Spot (GLS). Both GLS and NCLB may cause yield losses as high as 50% if they become ... silking, 2) with less than 50% pollination, 3) silks < ½ an inch and 4) Japanese beetles reaching ...

  4. Does it Pay to Increase Milk Components at Current Prices?

    have high levels of this nutrient, such as by-products like distillers’ grains, corn gluten feed, etc., ... average herd at the same production level.  Note that this accounts for the extra nutrients and feed ... required to produce the higher level of components.  There are multiple nutritional and feeding management ...

  5. The 57th Farm Science Review

    Tuesday 40,200, Wednesday 50,790 and Thursday 23,600 with a total attendance of 114,590.  The weather for ...

  6. Controlling Feed Cost: What to do when the protein market goes ballistic?

    soybean crop reached trading markets, resulting in skyrocketing protein prices, especially high protein ... very expensive ($0.12/lb), a net result of the high soybean meal price combined with most of the ... protein market moving up in sympathy. The normal ration of a high producing cow ration is generally ...


    day and test plot demonstrations will take place on Tuesday, August 12, 2014.  The field day will be ... Ohio, Greg LaBarge of Ohio State Extension, discussing Senate Bill 150 and the fertilizer certification ...

  8. Soil Health Workshop- Upper Sandusky

    8:00 A.M. Registration & Social Time Agenda •ECO Farming: Soil Ecology & Nutrient ... Recycling •Biology of Soil Compaction •Economics of Cover Crops •Keeping Nutrients out of Surface Water ... Lunch Break •Soil Demonstrations •Raising Homegrown Nitrogen Cover Crops •Managing Grasses and Brassica ...

  9. Environmental Stewardship- Minimizing Risk and Being Prepared

    risks-it's just a factor of life. Yet, a general mindset seems to have settled among us that we demand ... a risk-free society. Of course, we know that this is not possible. Risk is defined as the "possibility of ... any risk. Purchasing insurance just transfers the financial burden of a loss, should it occur, to ...

  10. Select Hybrids with Resistance to Northern Corn Leaf Blight: How does it work?

    years. 2-    Select hybrids with high levels of partial resistance. If we assume that races 0 and 1 are ... Ht2 will be effective against both races. Ask your seed dealer for hybrids with high levels of partial ... present on the leaf surface for 6 to 18 hours and temperatures are between 65 and 80ºF. On susceptible ...
