
Search results

  1. Ohio Does It Again!

    Once again, Ohio claimed the win for the national 4-H Raise Your Hand campaign.  We'd like to provide a huge thank you to all of the alumni, volunteers and friends who got Ohio to the top spot.  After trailing Nebraska by 83 votes in the week before ...

  2. From Pigs to People: Identifying a Threat

    Research at the Food Animal Health Research Program (FAHRP) in collaboration with Utrecht University in the Netherlands identified a pig virus with the potential to spread to people.  ...

  3. Detecting Food Fraud

    The FDA ruled that the food industry must get rid of partially hydrogenated oils from human foods back in 2015 and gave the industry three years to do so.  Now that the deadline is drawing near, how will anyone be able to tell what foods still contain the ...

  4. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Nov. 9

    as Conduits and Reactors of Carbon and Organic Matter Between Land and Oceans, 3:30-4:30 p.m., 103 ... Agricultural Law Symposium, 9 a.m.-4:15 p.m., Ohio Union, Ohio State University, 1739 N. High St., Columbus. ... Fruit and Preparing Talented Undergraduates for Careers in Science, 11 a.m.-noon, video linked between ...

  5. Agriculture Attractive But Not So Convenient Terrorist Target

    to animal feeding operations, environmental targets, GMOs, test plots. And because these mainly deal ... the destruction of scientific labs, experimental test plots and offices to the targeting of farming ...

  6. SBDC success

    Awards are voted on by all counselors around the state.  All levels of field staff are eligible for ...

  7. We Want to Hear from You!

    Did you take part in a study abroad opportunity?  Tell us about where you went and what it meant to you.  ...

  8. May 2018


  9. Wine Night at the Zoo- June 21- Cincinnati, Ohio

    Join fellow Buckeyes for an animal presentation, heavy hors d'oeuvres and perfectly paired wines. Experts will guide you through a tasting while you take in the scenery from the Africa Overlook Deck. Cost is $25 per person and includes hors d'oe ...

  10. Try Your Hand at Axe Throwing- Columbus, Ohio

    Similar to darts but way more exciting, experience the unique sport of axe throwing at one of Columbus’ coolest new venues! You will learn to throw like a pro! Relax and unwind with fellow Buckeyes or compete for bragging rights and a trophy! Either way, ...
