
Search results

  1. Direct Marketing Team Members

    field research centers on specialty crop diagnostics and management, season extension techniques (high ... Horticulture and Direct Marketing Ms. Gardner is a graduate from Peebles High School.  She obtained her ...

  2. 2010 Ohio Dairy Farm Business Preview and 2011 Analysis Opportunities

    Ohio State University (top of page) pdf file The record high Class III average milk price of $18.37/cwt ... in 2011 was the only thing that stood between Ohio’s dairy farms and a sea of red ink, much like we ... experienced in 2009.   Ironically, record high grain prices will have “eaten” much of the potential 2011 net ...

  3. Dual and Combined Degrees

    by pursuing two distinct degrees and complete them in less time by sharing credits between them. ...

  4. Lal to Head International Soil Science Group

    Rattan Lal, Distinguished University Professor of soil science in the School of Environment and Natural ... Resources, who has been named president-elect of the Vienna, Austria-based International Union of Soil ... are soil scientists from around the world. Its current president is Rainer Horn of Kiel, Germany. Its ...

  5. OARDC Annual Research Conference

    and $150, respectively. Winners will be announced at the conference.   This competition has been ...

  6. Dairy Youth Program Updates

    California competed in the event. OSU finished second in reasons, with Rachel Townsley as the high individual ... and was tied for fourth at Madison.  Overall, she was 6th high individual and the team finished in 5th ... different age groups and levels of experience.  We are unique to any other youth program in Ohio.  For more ...

  7. Background Checks and Self-Disclosure of Criminal Convictions

    lessening unnecessary risk. As a department within The Ohio State University, OSU Extension will: Adhere to ...

  8. Faculty, graduate students present research at largest ornithological conference in history

    landscape scale in southeast Ohio's public forestland using habitat suitability index models” ... relationship between refueling performance, migratory flight calls, weather, and competition at an inland ...

  9. Nick Garcia- Graduate Exit Seminar

     Given high rates of disability prevalence and poor employment outcomes, I consider the degree to which ...

  10. Conference: Integrating Philosophical & Economic Perspectives on Well-Being

    foster interdisciplinary understanding and collaboration between philosophers and economists who are ...
