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Forage Planting Dates
is unlikely any planting will be feasible in much of Ohio this week because of the wet soil ... seedlings are increasing. The young seedlings will be at risk of being exposed to summer moisture and heat ...
Grain Bin Safety Program
Rescue Level 1, OFA Course #1954) will run from 9am-4pm. Lunch is included in both programs. ...
Cooperators Needed for Pipeline Impacts Study
Counties. We will evaluate crop yields and soil properties over the installed pipeline and in an unaffected ... adjacent area, using yield maps, aerial imagery, and soil analyses. We are primarily interested in grain ...
Modified Relay Intercropping – Lessons from 2014
fall fertilizer per soil test and Tri- State Fertility recommendations for at least 76 bushel wheat and ... wheat varieties that are: high yielding; disease resistant; early maturing and short if possible. ... 7. Interseed soybeans from about 21 to 50 days prior to wheat harvest. In 2014, we interseeded 43 ...
OSU’s Corn College workshop is Feb. 10
in field corn. * Decision-making with high resolution crop imagery. Registration for the workshop is ... $50 and includes the program, handouts, breakfast and lunch. The registration flyer can be downloaded ...
Cover Crop Field Day- Champaign County
Extension Soil Health and Cover Crops- George Derringer, NRCS Manure and Cover Crops- Amanda Douridas, ... OSU Extension Local Farmer Panel Field tour -growing cover crops -soil exploration -planting ...
Fields are starting to turn a golden yellow – last chance to grab some data
rot is the most likely culprit. Again variety selection for those with high levels of field ... to keep SCN low than to try and drive the numbers down after they have gotten to high”. Dead brown ...
Overall Drier Pattern into Early August
this Friday into the weekend. It appears most should be 0.50-1.0 inches with the range being 0.25 to ...
Timing of Vertical Tillage and Herbicide Applications
that are not partially or fully covered with soil; and 2) residual herbicides should left on the ... surface undisturbed by tillage (allowing rain to move herbicide into the soil) following application ... unless that tillage will uniformly mix herbicide with the upper couple inches of soil. It can be possible ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-04
limiting yields of wheat in Ohio where losses as high as 30 to 50 percent can occur if disease control has ... of the different strategies to reduce the level of the disease. Integrated disease management systems ... tillage are especially important. Factors such as balanced fertility and soil pH, planting date and rate, ...