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  1. Compare Your Dairy Farm With NY Dairy Farms

    operator in 1998 jumped to an all time high of $55,000. 1999 was also a very good year for many milk ...

  2. Ohio State Collegiate Dairy Judging Team Competes at the North American International Livestock Exposition

    Ayrshire and Brown Swiss. Tessa Topp was the 6th high individual overall and earned 3rd place for her sets ...

  3. Ohio 4-H Dairy Judging Results at North American International Livestock Exposition

    Ayrshire and Brown Swiss. Tessa Topp was the 6th high individual overall and earned 3rd place for her sets ...

  4. Silage Pile Management And Safety

    because of the buddy rule could mean the difference between life and death. Use proper removal or ...

  5. Silage Pile Feeding Management and Safety

    because of the buddy rule could mean the difference between life and death. Use proper removal or ...

  6. Harmony Farms Open House

    controlled by temperature and temperature and humidity.  The high air speed directs the water over the cows ...

  7. Ohio Sheep and Wool Program Proposal Funding Approved

    By: Roger A. High, Executive Director, Ohio Sheep and Wool Program Columbus, Ohio – The Ohio Sheep ... sheep, lamb and wool producers, according to Roger A. High, Executive Director, Ohio Sheep and Wool ...

  8. Northeast Ohio Dairy Survey Results Released

    years are: feed management (57.9%), genetic improvement (50.9%), and milking herd health management ...

  9. Milking Excellence

    Systems.  High quality milk is dependent upon a properly functioning milking system.  The system should be ...

  10. Eight Department of Animal Sciences Undergraduates Participate in Fall Undergraduate Research Forum

    George. "My research project is a study designed to find a correlation between music and animal ...
