
Search results

  1. Residual Herbicide Issues – were they applied, are they working, what to do

    While a variety of rainfall and soil moisture conditions can be found around Ohio, a shortage of ... inadequate herbicide “activation”, or lack of downward movement into the upper inch or two of soil where weed ... water solubility and adsorption to soil, and whether absorption into the plant occurs via roots or ...

  2. Milk Production Gains Strong- Outlook for Prices is Revised

    September 1999. This is up 3.2 percent over the previous marketing year. If we achieve this level of ... increase, this will set a record level of production for the United States! The 3.2% expansion will be the ... With this level of production expansion, and total consumption projected to increase only 2 percent, ...

  3. We've been slimed-- Slugs impacting corn and soybean crops in Ohio

    difficult, and also runs the risk of burning crop foliage. Hopefully, as our crops grow (and given the ...

  4. Milk Production for Ohio Dairy Herds

    DHI are included in the table below because of the different testing options offered by DHI, some ... herds opt for no release of records, lack of sufficient number of test dates, and given that some of the ...

  5. Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Update for Week ending July 28, 2017

    were captured for week ending July 28. The state average per trap decreased from 50 WBCW (week ending ...

  6. Winter Wheat Progress and Management

    with roots and soil from multiple locations in the field; 2- Identify and select three to four primary ... exposing the base of the stem; 4- Now look for the first node generally between 1 and 2 inches above the base ...

  7. Western ARS Agronomy Field Day, July 15th

    western Ohio. This site carries a significant load of work on soils and conditions that closely resemble ... Pike, South Charleston, Ohio 45368 on SR 41 between Springfield and South Charleston, watch for signs. ...

  8. Predicting Leaf Development in Corn Using Accumulated Heat Units

    collar emergence occurs more quickly at approximately one leaf every 50 GDDs accumulated. Recent Iowa ... V8.1).  Growth-limiting stresses and conditions (soil moisture deficits, nutrient deficiencies, ...

  9. Better Process Control School Acidified Food Only

    $500. Optional parking passes are $7.50 per day. If parking on the OSU campus, a parking pass is ... received seven days before the course date to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 cancelation fee. In ...

  10. Cover Crops and Soil Health Forum to Take Place February 18

    Soil Health and discuss how to build soil health, improve yields, curb erosion, manage pests and build ... Crops and Soil Health Forums where farmers will have the opportunity to learn from one another while ... benefits of cover crops. The Cover Crops and Soil Health Forums will be held on Feb. 18 starting at 9:00 am ...
