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Soil, Water and Bioenergy Program hosts new visiting scholar
Dr. Yilmaz Bayhan, a Tubitak senior postdoctoral fellow from Turkey, joined the Soil, Water and ...
Another example of 4-H and its impact on the success of Ohio youth!
between Ohio 4-H Youth Development and the Five Rivers MetroPark in Dayton, was more than a summer ...
Ohio 4-H Dog Expo
help them be more successful with their 4-H dog projects. Teamwork between the 4-H member and his/her ...
Be Mindful of Honeybees and Other Pollinators During Planting
record. In October, the OSU honey bee lab had 50 living colonies, but by the beginning of April, we were ...
New Tool Offers Growers Easy Option to Measure Soil Organic Matter Content
Environmental Sciences have developed a new tool that allows farmers to easily predict soil organic matter ...
Bacterial Leaf Streak: Another New Corn Disease out West, but not yet in Ohio
of GLS. But one of the biggest differences between lesions of BLS and those of GLS is that BLS ... such as how and when it infects the corn plant, how it spreads within and between fields, whether or ...
Fall Weather Forecast
a burst of warmer weather this weekend. Risk for the rest of September Temperature- below normal Rainfall- ...
2014 Manure Science Review
unit; cover crops’ benefits to soils; calibration of solid manure spreaders; effects of manure ... education hours; Certified Crop Adviser, 3.0 Soil and Water Management continuing education units and 2.5 ... collaborators include OSU Extension, the Ohio Department of Agriculture, Ohio Federation of Soil and Water ...
2018 Small Grains Field Day
choose between one of two afternoon sessions. Session A will focus on wheat variety development, current ...
Double Stranded DNA
challenge with alternatives for materials and test setup as well as information to help make the design ...