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  1. Don’t Press the Panic Button on Soybean Aphid Yet

    that this number is the action threshold, it is not the economic injury level (EIL) at which soybean ... down or maintaining them at the 250 level. 2) At this point in the summer, you can expect aphids to ...

  2. Health Benefits, Risks, and Regulations of Raw and Pasteurized Milks

    health risk from drinking raw milk would be minimal. However, milk is a natural food that has no ... A virus. Among the 50 states and Puerto Rico, 24 states, including Ohio, do not permit the sale of raw milk ...

  3. Wetness Could Delay Early Planting

    aid in raising the soil temperatures for planting, but the moisture could lead to delays in getting ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-35

    program is designed to recognize an individual who is highly motivated, delivers exceptional customer ... service for farmer clients in nutrient management, soil and water management, integrated pest management ...

  5. Grain Bin Rescue – Silos and Bins Loom as Death Traps on American Farms

    one of the most dangerous occupations in America.  Over the past 50 years, more than 900 cases of ... between Ohio State University Extension, the Ohio Fire Academy and agribusinesses to address Ohio’s ...

  6. Ohio Certified Crop Adviser Pre-Exam Preparation Class, January 13 & 14

    Management, Pest Management, Soil/Water Management with subject matter and questions/answers at end of each ... – soil & water management Dr. Robert Mullen, CCA – nutrient management Not yet registered for the CCA ...

  7. Where’s the Wheat?

    Dry soil has delayed wheat emergence. On October 20, we travelled to the Northwest Agricultural ... more than a week (or a month). In our plots, the wheat seeds were still in good condition, but the soil ...

  8. Five Things to Know about Fall Herbicide Treatments

    A few brief reminders follow: 1.  When to spray?  Anytime between now and Thanksgiving will work, and ... (Canopy/Cloak), which for whatever reason does persist at high enough concentrations to provide some control in ...

  9. It’s All About the Weed Seedbank – Part 2: Where Has All the Waterhemp Come From?

    waterhemp and Palmer amaranth, is a rapid decline in seed viability in the soil within the first year, and ...

  10. Handy Bt Trait Table for U.S. corn production updated for 2017

    performance issues in cases where there are documented field-level insect populations which are less ...
