
Search results

  1. American Farm Bureau Conducting Big Data Survey

    remains at the grassroots level. Big data may significantly affect many aspects of the agricultural ...

  2. July 27 Field Day to Feature Field Crops

    assistant professor of horticulture and crop science; Steve Culman, state specialist in soil fertility and ...

  3. Bioproducts World 2014 Showcase and Conference

    N High St, Columbus, OH 43215 For more information contact Denny Hall, OBIC Director, at, ...

  4. Be Patient with Wet Hay Fields

    stands with full growth present during periods of soil saturation. Research conducted in Wooster, OH by ... the saturated soil conditions developed. This is probably good news for some of you, but bad news for ...

  5. Prospects for “Muddied Corn”

    or above the soil surface and less sensitive to flooding and associated anaerobic soil conditions. If ...

  6. Department of Horticulture and Crop Science Welcomes Fulbright Scholar from Uganda

    opportunity to establish and foster long-term partnerships between their respective institutions in an effort ... long-lasting cooperation that has occurred and will continue to occur between Ohio State and Makerere ...

  7. Gireesh Rajashekara makes iAGRI visit to Sokoine University of Agriculture

    collaborations between SUA and Ohio State.    ...

  8. iAGRI Project Awarded $4 million in funding from USAID

    international collaborative research between faculty at Ohio State, other U.S. land-grant university partners, ...

  9. Dairy Policy and Market Watch

    returned from Chicago were a 50 plus group of who's who in the dairy industry gathered for a two-day ... clear. Increasing the support price level is most likely out of the question, although some will continue ...

  10. Ear development impacted by drought conditions

    related to differences in soil moisture.   In some areas within fields subject to protracted dry ... soil conditions and plant development within fields may have magnified this problem. Pollen feeding and ...
