
Search results

  1. Sustainability Conference (Ohio EPA)

    performance and save valuable resources. This event will be particularly helpful to small and medium ...

  2. Cancelled- Women in Sustainability Breakfast

    interactive panel, focusing on women in sustainability and the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Attendees ...

  3. National Ecological Observatory Network- Using Ecological Science to Better Understand Our World

    levels that will impact natural resources management and human well-being for generations to come. Solely ...

  4. Do you have a financial question? Ohio State Extension can help.

    insurance coverage that puts their economic well-being and quality of life at risk. Whatever the situation, ...

  5. Precision University- Combating Compaction

    COMBATING COMPACTION Learn how to minimize compaction and maximize soil productivity from industry ...

  6. Comparing Ohio’s Proposed Algae Control Legislation

    Here's a summary of the similarities and variations between the two proposals. Prohibitions of surface ... phosphorous, in the western Lake Erie basin on frozen ground, saturated soil, and when the local weather ... forecast for the application area contains greater than a 50% chance of precipitation exceeding one inch in ...

  7. OSU Precision Agriculture Program Exemplifies Research Innovation and Collaboration at Board of Trustees Meeting

    As the world’s population continues to grow over the next 50 years, it is estimated that agricultural ... this level of production while maintaining our current natural resource base. “Ohio State University is ... well positioned to lead given the breadth of our faculty expertise, our excellent county-level ...

  8. Ecological Engineering

    advanced courses in soil and water engineering, stream geomorphology and watershed hydrology, and ...

  9. Global Food Security Index

    Learn some of the challenges of being a Food Engineer: The Global Food Security Index, developed ...

  10. Fall Food Preservation Virtual Series

    precisely to ensure a high-quality, safe product that they and their family can enjoy. All online classes ...
