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More on Transgenic Traits and Hybrid Performance
There were 17 different sets of transgenic traits evaluated in 2015 Ohio Corn Performance Test ... highly correlated with yield performance among these groups. Table 1. Grain yield of hybrids grouped by ...
Estimating Yield Losses in Stressed Corn Fields
will OVERESTIMATE yields. In a year with good grain fill conditions (resulting in high kernel weights), ... for at least four additional sites across the field. Given the highly variable conditions present in ... occurs at about 30‑35% grain moisture (but this year with late planting it could be as high as 40%). ...
Cover Crops for Prevented Acres
soil degradation and to increase soil productivity for next year. Cover crops are an excellent option ... for producers to consider for protecting their soil and increasing productive capacity for succeeding ... to leaving the soil bare and fallow, and then it provides guidance on selecting and seeding cover ...
Milk Production of Ohio Dairy Herds
in Table 1. Not all herds on DHI are included in the table below because of the different testing ... options offered by DHI, some herds opt for no release of records, lack of sufficient number of test dates, ...
West Central Ohio Precision Agriculture Day: Combine and Drone Technology
sponsoring lunch. We are currently looking for one breakfast sponsor ($250) and exhibitors ($150) to support ...
Pricing Corn Silage Update (August 2015)
is assuming both harvest risk and fermentation risk (will the stuff ferment well?) This risk has ...
Chow Line: Leafy Greens Suspected in Latest E. coli Food Poisoning Cases
including Ohio, between Nov. 15 and Dec. 12, 2017, the CDC said this week. The likely source of the outbreak ... Reports. So how can leafy greens become contaminated with E. coli? If animal feces are in the field or soil ...
Collegiate Dairy Judging Team Results for 2005
was 5th high out of 23 teams. The OSU team was 1st in Holstein, 3rd in Jersey, and 3rd in Linear. ... national contest: Zach Stammen was 12th high, Brian Baird was 15th, and Dan Sanders was 22nd. The OSU ... Springfield, MA. Stacey Shipley led the team at this contest, earning the 3rd high individual overall and she ...
Rethinking Gramoxone at a Reduced Price
of continuous glyphosate use. A relatively high price has been one of the obstacles to more ... 3 lb/gal formulations- nozzles that are not coarser in droplet size than the current “medium to coarse” ...
January 2020 Highlights
A recent issue of Refrigerated and Frozen Foods talks about successful industrialization of high ...