
Search results

  1. Ohio 4-H Alumnus to Lead World Bank in Afghanistan, Bhutan

    regional or state level, 4-H offers excellent opportunities to develop skills and aspire to what you see ...

  2. Using Manure as Fertilizer? Learn More at the Manure Expo July 9

    for alternatives to high-priced commercial fertilizers, and an event spearheaded by five land-grant ...

  3. OSU Extension Empowers Ohio's Families, Consumers

    priorities and the level of county funding available. But even counties that don't have an educator have ...

  4. Ohio Department of Agriculture updates fertilizer certification program rules

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  5. Tall Fescue Could Be the Perfect Lawn Grass for Ohio

    "Tall fescue varieties have really improved over the 40 or 50 years that the grass has been grown in the ...

  6. Ohio State’s Hall to Lead American Agricultural Law Association

    the University of Wyoming law school, which Hall said has a highly respected program in ag and ...

  7. Chow Line: Portion control essential for toddlers (1/20/12)

    high-quality nutritious foods just like older kids and adults, but they require much smaller quantities. For ...

  8. Chow Line: Now is prime time to examine grocery bill (8/3/12)

    December 16, 2014 Every week, I’m shocked at how high my grocery bill is. And I’ve heard we can ...

  9. Chow Line: Tips can help senior who loses appetite (6/15/12)

    potatoes to increase protein. Or, ask your mother’s doctor if adding a high-protein supplement to soups, ...

  10. OSU Extension to Host Land Use Conference

    community land trusts; and soil and water officials. A highlight of the Ohio Land Use Conference will be ...
