
Search results

  1. White Wheat Heads: Freeze Damage, Wheat Take-All, or Fusarium Head Blight?

    damage or disease. Freeze damage. In mid-May temperatures dipped to high 20s/low 30s in several parts of ...

  2. Application of Manure to Newly Planted Wheat Fields

    While the results were good, yields were not as high as expected due to the delay in getting the manure ...

  3. FSR Agronomy College coming September 15th

    Nutrient Placement Systems for Improved Efficiency and Environmental Consequences in High Yield Corn – Tony ...

  4. Wet Weather and Late-Season Fungicides

    regarding late-season fungicides.  With funding from Ohio Soybean Council, we conducted a “high-input” trial ...

  5. Last Call- Participate in Soybean Yield-Limiting Research This Week

    their respective individual farms.  The term used for the difference between what yield is possible on ...

  6. FRESH: The New Frontier for Ag safety and Health Resources and see all we have to offer. Contact Stacey Jenkins, AgriSafe Network, Distance Education ...

  7. Fulton Soybean College, February 17, 2015

    University’s Soil Fertility Specialist and Dr. Anne Dorrance, Ohio State University’s Field Crop Extension ...

  8. Black Cutworm and Armyworm Counts on the Rise

    Last week, both Purdue University and the University of Kentucky reported high black cutworm ...

  9. What’s Limiting Soybean Yield?---Still Need Data From 185 Fields

    respective individual farms.  The term used for the difference between what yield is possible on your farm ...

  10. Should Have Known Better

    safe around livestock. I grew up on a beef feedlot where we fed out 1500 steers a year and had a 50 ...
