
Search results

  1. Infection Disease Institute Discovery Talks- Columbus, Ohio

    Besma Abbaoui and Dr. Jessica Cooperstone will present as part of the presentation on how Ohio State is combatting the leading cause of mortality. ...

  2. OSU Extension Stark County Plant Expo- Canton, Ohio

    Support Stark County Master Gardeners and learn about pollinators and growing bigger vegetables at the Plant Expo. ...

  3. Stone Lab Guest Lecture- Put-in-Bay, Ohio and Online

    This evening features a presentation on the visual ecology of Lake Erie fishes and a lecture from Dr. Stephen Spear, Executive Director of The Wilds. ...

  4. Stone Lab Guest Lecture- Put-In-Bay, Ohio and Online

    Jason Cervenec and Dr. Randy Moses will present at this education evening. ...

  5. International Trade Economist: Trans-Pacific Partnership Would Boost U.S Agriculture

    Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) discussions, which are under negotiation between the ...

  6. U.S. House Farm Bill Defeat Could Lead to More Extensions of 2008 Farm Bill

    stands, it makes the connection between farming and the consumption of food,” Zulauf said. “Also, if you ...

  7. EPN Breakfast Series- Road Trip!- Mechanicsburg, Ohio

    The leading topics for this program are to learn and share about the efforts by  In Good Taste Catering, The Hive,  and  Hemisphere Coffee Roasters  (each based in Mechanicsburg, Ohio) to: -Promote stewardship for the betterment of people, profit and plan ...

  8. O yes! Great job prospects for CFAES grads

    agricultural degrees (2.4 percent).  "We have always had high involvement from agribusiness and seed-based ...

  9. CD Wire- March 28, 2016

    and staff connect their research and outreach to the  Metro Early College High School  in numerous ... ways, from mentoring high school students to conducting educational research. The Ohio State community ... High School, 1929 Kenny Road. Click here to  RSVP. Overnight Travel: Pre-Trip Training April 15 ...

  10. Annual Meeting of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

    6-8, 2013, is “ Mixing Oil and Water: The Nexus between Energy and Water Resources ”. AEDE will have ...
