
Search results

  1. Food and Fashion Board's Parents Night Out!

    February 14th from 5:30-8:30 pm- ages preschool (fully potty trained)- 5th grade- Smithville High ...

  2. Alfalfa Stand Evaluation

    the root and/or black areas of root/crown rot that cover greater than 30 to 50% of the roots diameter ...

  3. Dining with Diabetes

    test knowledge An open forum to share ideas, questions and tips with other course participants The ...

  4. Ohio Forage and Grasslands Annual Conference

    Hamilton, University of Missouri Extension State Dairy Specialist, who will discuss “ Balancing risk and ...

  5. Preparing Varieties of Squash

    – this allows winter squash to have a longer storage life, sometimes 2-4 months in a cool place (50 ... ¼ inch of water into the bottom of the dish. Pierce squash several times with a knife. Microwave on high ...

  6. Graduation Party Prep

    *For keeping foods cold, medium size containers placed in ice filled larger containers work well.  ...

  7. Communication

    between members of the family.  It will make it easier to solve conflicts and face the many challenges ... though you to get better at expressing their feelings and ideas. Communication is the bridge between you ...

  8. 2018 Inservice Videos

    Greenhouses & High Tunnels (P-5, C-6d)- Luis Canas Helping the Farmer with Herbicide Injury (Core)- Doug ...

  9. Grief During the Holidays

    for everyone.  Feelings of sadness will come and go, energy levels will change, happy one minute and ...

  10. Dairy Labor Management Workshop

    Agriculture Law and Resources program. Registration cost is $50 per person or $65 per farm and registration is ...
