
Search results

  1. Symposium on Energy, Environment, and the Economy

    symposium will explore the intersection between energy development and the environment through two panels. ...

  2. Meals in the Field

    stress level or sleep habits in life.  If you want to boost energy levels naturally, try these expert ...

  3. Aquaponics Workshop

    July 10-11, 2015 Ohio State University South Centers 1864 Shyville Road, Piketon, OH 45661 Cost:   $50 ... June 26, 2015 Limited to first 50 paid participants If paying by check, make payable to OAA and mail ...

  4. Dairy Labor Management Workshop

    Agriculture Law and Resources program. Registration cost is $50 per person or $65 per farm and registration is ...

  5. Dairy Feed Bunk and Water Trough Management

    production level and stage of production.  Being able to group and feed those groups separately can help to ... recommended stocking density for fresh cows is 80%, but apart from this stocking density should range between ...

  6. Cover Crop Considerations

    ryegrass, are typically fast to establish and can provide soil coverage to reduce erosion. Some species ... the soil.  Because precipitation and temperatures can be variable this time of year, the use of ...

  7. Environmental Film Series- From the Ashes

    From the Ashes shows the risks we face as a nation if we continue to rely on coal and examines how ...

  8. Fragrant Plant from Madagascar Holds Promise for Mosquito Control

    up to test a bark extract from a small, fragrant tree native to Madagascar and found that it has ...

  9. CFAES Alumni Making News

    Corcoran, BS in Agronomy, 1993- Ohio Soil and Water Conservation Commission Appointment Made Christian ...

  10. 2018 Graduates

    Dorrance); and Andres Sanabria (effects of anerobic soil disinfestation combined with biological control of ...
