
Search results

  1. The Cloud and the Changing Face of Agriculture

    resources and connections-- is the natural evolution of its soon-to-be 150-year tradition of translating ...

  2. Ohio Study Shows How Shoreline Anglers Value Lake Erie Fishing

    that many of the anglers are either low-income locals or high-income anglers from far away, including ... real-world ramifications,” said Blaine. “A high percentage of shoreline anglers are moderate- to low-income ... locals who may not have a lot of high-quality recreational opportunities,” said Joe Lucente, OSU ...

  3. Agronomic Field Day

    Fulton, Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering  The Impacts of a Half Century of No-Till on Soil ...

  4. CFAES SAC Summer Professional Development Series- Emotional Intelligence for Everyday Success

    intelligence. Dr. Jeff King  is a nationally known and highly respected trainer, facilitator, and consultant. He ...

  5. Four FABE Students named 2019 CFAES Distinguished Seniors

    evaluating production practices, soil and tissue sampling, and aerial imagery all have intrigued me to do ... team, where he specializes on the high bar and has been named a Big Ten Champion and Varsity “O” member. ...

  6. FABE SEMINAR- Encouraging Synergies Between Human and Natural Systems

    Encouraging synergies between human and natural systems: An essential step toward sustainability. ...

  7. HCS Spring Seminar, Columbus

    HCS Spring Seminar,  “Fertile or Futile? What lies ahead in soil fertility research for Ohio ...

  8. B. Barrick

    202 Hi, Jim,   Can I schedule Room 202 for a meeting this Thursday morning, the 9 th, between ...

  9. Online Tick Course Now Available through OSU Extension

    COLUMBUS, Ohio- Tick populations are on the rise in Ohio and with them comes the risk of ...

  10. Online Tick Course Now Available through OSU Extension

    the risk of contracting illnesses such as Lyme disease. To help Ohioans learn more about ticks and how ...
