
Search results

  1. Beef and Forage Field Night

    Soil Sciences: Making Successful Long-Term Hay and Pasture Seedings – Scott Payne, Manager, Jackson ...

  2. Conservation Tillage & Technology Conference

    tillage information, but also serves as a valuable source of up-to-date Cover Crop and Soil Health ... CLM credits, including 10 hours of Nutrient Management and 10 hours of Soil & Water continuing ...

  3. 2010 Dairy Judging and Quiz Bowl Teams

    Ayrshire.  As an individual, Jason was high in Brown Swiss and 2nd in Jersey, while Sabrina Eick earned top ... American Contest, the "Scarlet" team was 5th overall and high in the Brown Swiss division.  ... had a positive day as 8th high individual.  This team will also travel to the North American Dairy ...

  4. Midwest Dairy Challenge

    the 16 teams of students were divided between two dairy farms (one Holstein and one Jersey) located in ...

  5. Downy Mildew and Bacterial Pustule on Soybean

    high, on the underside of the leaf is a necrotic spot (very small) with white “fuzz”.  This “fuzz” are ... bacterial pustule, with high humidity, spores would be present in the pustule, and the necrotic area around ...

  6. Unlawful or Anti-Competitive Activities-The Big Data Confusion: Part 13

    influence input sales. Within the agreement or terms and conditions between a grower and their ATP(s), there ...

  7. June Small Grains Field Days

    Performance Test. Registration is free, but we are requesting registration by Friday, May 20 for lunch count. ...

  8. New Chair for the Department of Animal Sciences at The Ohio State University

    exceptional experience and vision to lead the Department of Animal Sciences to the next levels of success.  ...

  9. The XtendiMax Label for Xtend Soybeans

    Monsanto testing and listed at this website – Note – the website ... a buffer between the last treated soybean row and the sensitive area must be maintained as follows: 22 oz ...

  10. Bovine Calving Management: Impact of Dystocia on Dairy Calves and Cows

    is associated with increased risk of stillbirths, calves’ morbidity (e.g., respiratory diseases) and ... increased risk of uterine diseases (e.g., retained fetal membranes, metrtitis, and endometritis) and are ...
