
Search results

  1. Ohio Pesticide Recertification Conference- Akron

    available near the John S. Knight Center at 40 South High Street and 120 South Broadway. There is  NO PUBLIC ... Pest Control   F   Soil Fumigation* 9 Animal Pest Control 3 Aquatic Pest Control 10 Domestic, ... a conference to transfer your registration. Transferring can only be done between Ohio Commercial Pesticide ...

  2. Dairy Herd Health Protocols

    with colostrum but also a high dose of bacteria that end up killing the calf 2 to 3 days later.  ... covered with soil; and 2) residual herbicides should left on the surface undisturbed by tillage (allowing ... rain to move herbicide into the soil) following application unless that tillage will uniformly mix ...

  3. Agriculture Hall of Fame Awards Banquet

    County Agriculture Hall of Fame honoree.  A graduate of Hardin Northern High School and later both Ohio ...

  4. Steps to a Successful Beef Cow Breeding Season

    with the cows, crossing your fingers and hoping for high conception rates.  I recently came across ... short as 17 days but can also last as long as 150 days depending upon a number of factors. Typically, ...

  5. Planter Preparation

    University research on corn planting indicates that good seed-to-soil contact can provide a gain of 10 ... soil bed. Check closing wheels to ensure they have the proper spring setting. They should not be loose ...

  6. Living A Marginal Life

    Lives, Richard Swenson, M.D. describes margin: “Margin is the space between our load and our limits. It ... or unanticipated situations. Margin is the gap between rest and exhaustion, the space between ...

  7. Caring For Your Christmas Cactus

    inch or so of soil feels dry to the touch.  The length of time between watering will vary with the air ... the soil gets too dry.  The plants will wilt when under drought stress.  Water thoroughly when the top ... temperature, amount of light, rate of growth and relative humidity.  The plants like light humus-rich soil ...

  8. Communiqué June 24, 2011

    of Extension (OSUE). His time will be split between HCRD and OSUE. Ken replaces Dr. L.H. Newcomb who ... me. (  CFAES Voluntary Separation Incentive- A Reminder-Dr. Bobby Moser, vice ... credit cards at the county level for meeting registrations – specifically related to PayPal. The ...

  9. Financial Planning

    your 50’s Ramp up savings in peak earning years Rough out how much money you’ll need to live on after ...

  10. Ohio Pesticide Recertification Conference- Columbus

    Center, Columbus, Ohio Columbus Convention Center 400 North High Street Columbus, Ohio 43215 Driving ... Pest Control   F   Soil Fumigation* 9 Animal Pest Control 3 Aquatic Pest Control 10 Domestic, ... can only be done between Ohio Commercial Pesticide Applicator Conferences held in Dayton (Jan. 11), ...
