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For Students at Ohio State Wetland, New Meaning to Swamped by Classes
said. “Teaching science, to me, is all about making connections between theories, concepts and ...
Bryce T. Adams- Doctoral Scholarly Seminar
Please plan to attend Bryce T. Adams's doctoral scholarly seminar on Wed. April 4th, 2018 at 11:30am in 333 Kottman Hall. He will be presenting Composition vs. Physiognomy of the Vegetation for the Species Composition of Faunal Assemblages. Determin ...
Honors Thesis Defense- Olivia Carros
Olivia Carros Environmental Policy and Decision Making Advisor: Dr. Robin Wilson Promoting Cover Crop Adoption to Improve Water Quality in Agricultural Landscapes Nutrient loading and associated algal blooms resulting from agricultural runoff are a pressi ...
Meeting the Water Quality Challenge
Meeting the Water Quality Challenge: Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Science to Improve Water Quality in Ohio 2018 CFAES Annual Research Conference(formerly known as the OARDC Annual Research Conference) Shisler Conference Center Wooster Campus- Frid ...
Doctoral Scholarly Seminar- Katie Robertson
Katie Robertson- Should Wildlife Boldly Go?: The Influence of Urbanization on Wildlife Stress and Behavior ...
Buckeye Summit
At the Buckeye Summit, the Buckeye community is convening to change how we can create and support healthy communities by tackling issues pervasive in America today. Through our collective power and ideas, each of us can leave the Summit with a plan for bu ...
The Academy of Teaching Annual Conference: Creating Inclusive Connections
12th Annual Conference on Excellence in Teaching & Learning Creating Inclusive Connections May 3, 2018 4-H Center, The Ohio State University Several from SENR are presenting: Kylienne Shaul, Kimberly Winslow and Ella Weaver will present, "The Vir ...
CURA Speaker Series: William Hunt
CURA Speaker Series: William Hunt-- Tuesday, April 17, 2018- 3:00pm to 4:00pm Derby Hall 1080 | 154 N Oval Mall, Columbus OH William Hunt, William Neal Reynolds Distinguished University Professor, Department of Biological and ...
Managing Wildlife Conflict Around Your Home-Ohio Woodlands Stewards
While the growth of cities and suburban areas can displace some wildlife, many species actually thrive in these areas. Viewing these species as they travel through your backyard can be enjoyable, but sometimes conflict arises—usually in the form of eaten ...
LEED Green Associate Training
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is simply a sustainablity scorecard for green buildings. The LEED Green associate is the only professional designation to show employers and clients you have certified knowledge in the field. To date, t ...