
Search results

  1. 2017 On-Farm Fertilizer Trials for Corn, Soybean, and Wheat

        o   P and K in corn, soybean or wheat. We are especially interested in fields that test low in P and ...

  2. What’s Limiting Soybean Yield? Take Soybean Production Survey and Receive $40

    between what yield is possible on your farm each year and what you yield you actually achieve is called ...

  3. Western Bean Cutworm: Time to Scout (Scouting Video Included!)

    5–200, but averaging about 50 per cluster, and hatch within 5–7 days (Figure 2). Eggs first appear white, ...

  4. Hall Addresses 2015 State Food Policy Summit

    Ohio together to foster awareness of food policy activities and possibilities at the state level.  For ...

  5. FDA Announces Changes to Food Labels

    including the link between diet and chronic diseases such as obesity and heart disease. The new label will ...

  6. Staging Corn with Severe Leaf Damage Early in the Season

    result (665) by 82 (equal to V8.1).” Growth-limiting stresses and conditions (soil moisture deficits, ...

  7. Snider to complete internship with The Fatted Calf

    Ken Snider and a graduate of Felicity-Franklin High School. The agriscience education major at Ohio ... State prepares its students you to acquire a license to teach agricultural science in secondary high ...

  8. Terms and Definitions-- The Big Data Confusion: Part 9

    manuals to determine what words align with which definitions.  For example, between two companies, the act ... be interchangeable as related to planting.  Within contracts between growers and ATPs, there can be ...

  9. Department to hire Academic Program Coordinator

    a liaison between the Office of Distance Education and eLearning and ACEL are also included in ...

  10. Dairy 101: Introduction to Dairy Processing and Management

    Cancellation Policy Cancellations must be received before October 3 to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 ...
