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2014 Annual Christmas Tree Sale
behind the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Building on Fred Taylor Dr. High quality trees (6 to ...
Ohio Farm and Food Leadership Forum
Greater Columbus Convention Center, 350 North High Street. There is a really great agenda with a little ...
Computer Modeling, Climate Change, and Impact on Birds
attend two presentations. The first will discuss the difference between weather and climate and how ...
SENR Seminar: Assessing and Managing Soil Quality for Urban Agriculture
will be Assessing and Managing Soil Quality for Urban Agriculture in 103 Kottman Hall with a video ...
Climate, Geography, and the Origins of Economic and Political Institutions
societies are characterized by innovation, high standards of living, and democratic governance, while other ...
May 1: How Are Human, Animal and Environmental Health Connected?
COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Links between human, animal and environmental health-- factors in the current ...
Earth Day at the Schiermeier Wetland Research Park
(compliments of our partner Sierra Club). Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District and the Central Ohio ... year to have received a donation of 300 trees and shrubs from Franklin Soil and Water Conservation ...
FABE Wooster is Moving Forward
pilot plant and testing. ARS engineers were also given lab space across the Wooster campus. Planning for ...
Environmental Film Series-- Return of the River
to spawn. It is a narrative with global ramifications, exploring the complex relationship between ...
What is Gypsum and How Does it Improve Soil?
from being washed from the soil by heavy rains, then running off into streams and rivers and eventually ...