
Search results

  1. Tsetse team: Pitching in to crack genetic code of deadly fly

    a World Health Organization (WHO) fact sheet. Some 70 million people there are at risk. WHO lists sleeping ...

  2. Soybean Stands-- Lots of Changes

    Phytophthora sanosmeana.  These will infect the roots when the soils are saturated and can cause brown to tan ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-37

    lodging, emergence and test weight data are available. Single and multi-year agronomic data is currently ...

  4. 4-H Dog Department Meeting

     Jr. Fair Entry Forms, Dog Classes, Dog Test, And More! Please call or email either Chelsea Smith at ...

  5. City of Kent

    opportunity to prioritize these ideas and thoughts, and make connections between their social, economic, and ... regarding: 1. The area between KSU and the downtown, 2. A 55-acre open space site, and 3. The western-most ... generations. Connections were made between the environmental, social, and economic elements of the community. ...

  6. Write Winning Grant Proposals

    proposals. Emphasis is given to doing the “extra” things that can make the difference between success and ... Emphasis is given to doing the 'extra' things that can make the difference between success and ...

  7. CD Wire- August 21, 2012

    a list for single room reservations. (Please note that you will have to pay $50 from your own funds to ... Topics in this newsletter include: Confront Reality – Behavior #8 of High Trust Leaders Using eXtension ... services, or video relay services). Phone 1-800-750-0750 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST Monday through ...

  8. Be a Real Money, Real World Volunteer!

    knowledge with high school students. Students obtain an occupation, family and salary equivalent to the ... on: Doing well in school. Getting more education or training after high school. Waiting until ...

  9. Management for Red Clover Seed Production

    high yields of high quality seed of forages as in western and northwestern states. But each year around ... production in red clover is highly dependent on insect pollination, which occurs primarily through bumblebees ...

  10. CD Wire- August 8, 2016

    Aug. 7-13 New Ohio State Research Shows Phosphorus Levels in Ohio Soils Trending Downward Ed Tech Blog: ... learning Broaden their understanding of Extension on a local, state, national and international level Build ... is given to doing the 'extra' things that can make the difference between success and ...
