
Search results

  1. Re-Employment of OSU Extension Retirees

    Immediate supervisor(s) make the decision for campus staff. All assignments will be 50 percent or less with ... level based on grant, contract or supplemental funding. An offer letter using a template from Human ...

  2. Growing Returns discusses efforts to update the Tri-State Fertility Guide

    Growing Returns, a Blog of the Environmental Defense Fund, discusses efforts led by Soil Fertility ... used to inform the new Tri-State recommendations.       Soils steve culman ...

  3. Assessing and managing soil quality for urban agriculture in a degraded vacant lot soil

    Beniston, Joshua W.,  Rattan Lal, Kristin L. Mercer. 2016.  Assessing and managing soil quality ... for urban agriculture in a degraded vacant lot soil.  Land Degradation and Development ...

  4. TWEL Joni Downs Thesis

    nesting success that is caused by flooding. Analysis of water level fluctuations at KMWA suggests that ... appears to be limited by poor nesting success caused by flooding.   A Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) ... include annual breeding pair surveys, continued population monitoring, wetland restoration, water level ...

  5. Communiqué April 30, 2014

    because the funds allocated to Ohio will increase by 150 percent over the next five years. This is based ... a synergy with all Extension programs to increase our reach to make sure that Ohioans at greatest risk for ... parts static and other sections intended to be populated with county-level information and images. Back ...

  6. Program Sponsorship and Naming of Local Extension Programs

    Endowed Chair--- $3 million minimum Endowed Program--- $50,000 minimum The naming of an event, such as the ... It is highly encouraged that contributions to programs be treated as gifts using the OSU gift process ...

  7. Soil organic carbon and nitrogen fractions under different land uses and tillage practices

    Liu, Mengyun, David A.N. Ussiri and Rattan Lal. 2016. Soil organic carbon and nitrogen fractions ... under different land uses and tillage practices. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis ...

  8. Sara Kennedy's Graduate Defense Seminar

    survival can be high in urban areas and reinforces the link between urban parkland and surrounding ...

  9. Dual and Combined Degrees

    by pursuing two distinct degrees and complete them in less time by sharing credits between them. ...

  10. Green and Sustainable Wastewater Treatment- Mound Systems

    Workshop Schedule How soil and sand removal pollutants – Dr. Karen Mancl Determining the soil ... vertical separation distance – Dr. Brian Slater Lunch on your own Gathering soil information from the soil ... survey and soil evaluation reports – Dr. Slater Mound sizing and layout – Dr. Mancl Pressure dosing ...
