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  1. Extension Reconsidered Luncheon

    Extension Reconsidered-- We Need Your Opinions! We need people between the ages of 14-30 to share ...

  2. Honors Student Soaking Up all School has to Offer

    water quality and some basic ways to test water quality.   “My favorite part was working with the ... a relationship between turbidity and red and yellow sunfish coloration in the Scioto and Olentangy Rivers.  Red ...

  3. Lauren Slutzky to participate in ThinkChicago

    Illinois, ThinkChicago is a collaboration between Mayor Emanuel, CIW, University of Illinois, World Business ...

  4. Why We Don't Believe Science: A Perspective From Decision Psychology

    Ideally, people are objective when they perceive risks and make decisions in climate and other ...

  5. Renewable Energy Workshop

    continental breakfast and lunch, costs $40 per person if paid before Nov. 4. The cost goes up to $50 if paid ...

  6. Women in Bioscience Conference

    discount code WOMEN50 to receive registration at half-price. The conference is open to women and men as the ...

  7. Creating Pollinator Habitat on Utility and Highway Rights-of-Way Webinar

    other pollinator & bird habitat, stabilize soils and buffer waterways.  IVM provides a legitimate ...

  8. Antarctic Ice Sheet Evoluation and the Earth Climate

    anomalies induced by the retreat of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS). Generic sensitivity tests of the ...

  9. Like Good Neighbors, Frogs and Toads Are There

    meanwhile, plowed and planted instead, makes it harder for them to travel between the habitat that remains. ...

  10. Meet Manny Barnes: a Leader in CSM and Beyond

    a part of his high school’s football and wrestling teams. Upon graduating, however, he decided to step ...
