
Search results

  1. OSU Extension Factsheets

    sheet: grass and legumes, hay, low managed timber, and high managed timber. The financial aspects of ... overview of the relationship between agricultural production and impacts on water quality and includes ... overview of the relationship between the amount of impervious surface in a watershed and the water quality ...

  2. White Oak Creek Watershed Group

    Creek Watershed contains 150,621 acres in Brown and Highland Counties. The entire watershed drainage ...

  3. DLS Helps to DIY

    a chore, for their birthday, or another reason, teach them to split their money between each jar.  You can ... between a “want” and a “need” when it is explained to them.  Also, children will learn the value of their ...

  4. The Effect of Summer Seeded Cover Crops on Corn

    Crops Soil and Water Management 2015 Wood Hoytville clay loam drainage tillage Nitrogen N ...

  5. Agronomy Beyond 2019: Prepare for 2020 at FSR Agronomy College

    registration is now open for the 2019 FSR Agronomy College, a partnership event between the Ohio AgriBusiness ...

  6. Apron Seed Treatment on Soybeans

    Darke Patton Brookston Crosby Miami (soil type) seed treatment fungicide ...

  7. Final Reminder: 2019 Yield Survey

    maturity (days RM); soybean maturity group) of crop planted Yield Harvest moisture Test weight Information ...

  8. Evaluation of a ½ Rate of a Foliar Fungicide on Wheat

    Defiance Roselms Paulding (soil type) fungicide ...

  9. Swine Manure as a Nitrogen Source at Side-dress for Grain Corn 2

    2008%20JNieseCorn%20Plot%20FINAL.pdf 2008 Manure Manure 2008 Putnam Fulton (soil type) Corn ...

  10. Swine Manure as a Nitrogen Source at Side-dress for Grain Corn 3

    2008%20SLeopoldCorn%20Plot%20FINAL.pdf 2008 Manure Manure 2008 Putnam Fulton (soil type) Corn ...
