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Feral Cats Avoid Urban Coyotes, Are Surprisingly Healthy
at night, digging through trash and threatening pets. And both can pose a public health risk: Cats ... and other traits; took blood samples for later testing; fitted the adult and juvenile cats with radio ... problems. Blood tests indicated, for example, that the cats had little exposure to feline immunodeficiency ...
A&P Promotion Workshop
promotion to educator level II, III, or IV. If you are interested in seeking promotion in 2019, please make ...
Rattan Lal receives honorary degree
study abroad opportunitiies and soil management research with the rector and vice rector of the ... Social), Ildefonso Pla Sentis (professor of soil science), Roberto Fernandez Diaz (rector), Lal, and M. ...
Performance and risk assessment of alinite cement-based materials from municipal solid waste incineration fly ash (MSWIFA)
Guo, X.L., H.S. Shi, K. Wu, Z.H. Ju and W.A. Dick. 2016. Performance and risk assessment of ...
Dual and Combined Degrees
by pursuing two distinct degrees and complete them in less time by sharing credits between them. ...
Environmental Career Conference
Nicole Jackson "Dominate the Real World: High Performance Habits to Outperform Your Peers" ... Advice from a CEO Jennifer Fish, Franklin County Soil and Water William Murdock, MORPC Tim Moloney, ...
Growing Returns discusses efforts to update the Tri-State Fertility Guide
Growing Returns, a Blog of the Environmental Defense Fund, discusses efforts led by Soil Fertility ... used to inform the new Tri-State recommendations. Soils steve culman ...
Re-Employment of OSU Extension Retirees
Immediate supervisor(s) make the decision for campus staff. All assignments will be 50 percent or less with ... level based on grant, contract or supplemental funding. An offer letter using a template from Human ...
Assessing and managing soil quality for urban agriculture in a degraded vacant lot soil
Beniston, Joshua W., Rattan Lal, Kristin L. Mercer. 2016. Assessing and managing soil quality ... for urban agriculture in a degraded vacant lot soil. Land Degradation and Development ...
CFAES Homecoming Weekend
logging in, contact Claire Badger, Director of Engagement, at 614-292-0250 or The ...