
Search results

  1. National Academies of Science Forum includes SENR prof

    substantiated evidence of differences in health or environmental risks between currently commercialized GE crops ... science, but can also reflect the different values and weights associated with risks and benefits by ...

  2. SENR welcomes new restoration ecologist this semester

    Matt Davies, assistant professor in soil and plant community restoration, has joined the school’s ... is currently testing as a potential management tool. Matt has also completed research work on ...

  3. TWEL Patrick Johnson Thesis

    flights while migrating between breeding and non-breeding areas. Selection of high quality stopover ... A better understanding of habitat attributes that support high numbers of migrant landbirds during stopover ... shoreline between Toledo and Sandusky, Ohio, USA. Observers conducted over 800 point counts annually from ...

  4. TWEL Tara Baranowski Thesis

    dominant water regime (i.e. lake-level influenced, controlled, precipitation-driven). All habitat types ... site level ranged from 57,596 (SE + 34,703) to 226,760 (SE +112,592) while extrapolated waterfowl ... estimates ranged between 35,342 (SE + 7,593) to 267,859 (SE + 60,151). Total waterbird (shorebird and ...

  5. MicroTrop 2014: Combining Soil Microbiology with African Culture, Agriculture and Development Issues

    one month intensive course for early career scientists provided advanced training in tropical soil ... Zimbabwe. MicroTrop was organized by collaboration between The Ohio State University, Drs. Lydie Lardy and ... Research (ISRA).   Leading the training were internationally known soil scientists and microbiologists, ...

  6. Educational Goals of the Forestry Curriculums

    and ecosystem levels. Goal 2. Students will comprehend and apply knowledge of social processes to ... will have the entry-level knowledge and skills required to develop and execute multiple-objective ... specific educational goals: Goal 1. Students will have the entry-level knowledge and skills they need to ...

  7. New study finds drought-resistant native plant can irrigate food crops

    of decades have passed since  Richard Dick, a soil scientist now at Ohio State, was traveling through ... soil in the area. Since then, Dick and long-term lead collaborator Ibrahima Diedhiou of Senegal have ... discovered many ways in which the shrubs benefit soil and crops. But the most profound discovery came ...

  8. Sara Adamczak's Graduate Exit Seminar

    determine river otter diet composition and trophic level. Understanding diet and trophic level provides ...

  9. Funding Your Education with Associateships and Fellowships

    university, college, and school levels by the ENRGP Committee. Fellows pursue a full-time schedule of courses ... criteria: GPA- 3.6 on a 4.0 scale GRE- average 75th percentile score between the Verbal and Quantitative ... Graduate Teaching Associates must pass the SPEAK test. See the English as a Second Language website for ...

  10. OWS Chainsaw Safety Awareness That Works (CSAW)

    topics will not be covered in as much depth as they will be in the CSAW Level 1 class.   Each participant ... people who need the skills to saw felled trees. Registration is $50. The registration deadline is June 2. ...
