
Search results

  1. Comparing Nitrogen Rates and Sources and Crop Rotation Effects on Corn Yield on Lakebed Soils

    Comparing Nitrogen Rates and Sources and Crop Rotation Effects on Corn Yield on Lakebed Soils ...

  2. Weather outlook for March to May calls for near normal temperatures.

    challenge this spring will be below normal soil temperatures that will likely linger into April and possibly ... May. Also, the Great Lakes ice cover is very high over 80%. This will mean the Great Lakes water ...

  3. Conservation Tillage Club Breakfast- Mt. Victory

    Grain Marketing Outlook Feb 21- Steve Baker, Soil Health Soil and Water Management Precision Agriculture ...

  4. Managing Alfalfa Stands Damaged by Waterlogging

    soil wetness the first half of this growing season. Generally, waterlogging injury appears as stunting ... N-fixation in waterlogged soils. Anaerobic respiration occurring in the plant under low soil oxygen also ... 50% of the roots show these symptoms, reduce your stand counts. You will likely find some roots and ...

  5. Precision Ag Day: Nutrient Technology (Champaign)

    Hoewischer, Ohio Farm Bureau Economics of Precision Soil Sampling- Dave Scheiderer, Integrated Ag Services ... Nitrogen Placement- Dr. John Fulton, OSU Extension Sulfur Requirements in Corn- Ed Lentz, OSUE Soil ...

  6. Soil Fertility Changes and Yield Response to Manure Application

    sand soil fertility Corn Nutrient Management ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-29

    between 100 to 200 or more per 10 sweep sample. These numbers are extremely large! Soybeans that were ... issue. However, fields that still filling pods are at also risk for yield losses. If populations are ... high, beetles are still active and continuing to feed, and pod injury has reached 10% and is relatively ...

  8. Clover Cover Crop and Nitrogen Rate Effect on Corn Production

    cloverN08final.pdf 2008 Corn Cover Crops Corn Corn Fertility Cover Crops Soil and Water Management ...

  9. Evaluation of Foliar Fertilizer on Soybean Yields

    Haskins Roselms Paulding (soil type) foliar application ...

  10. Early Season Hail Damage in Corn: Effects of Stalk Bruising and Tied Whorls

    Growth and Development Weather Fayette Crosby Kokomo Miami (soil type) ...
