
Search results

  1. Kitchen Organization

    they can help in the kitchen by placing items at their level like their plates, cups, water bottles, ...

  2. Curso de Mejor Control de Procesos Térmicos y Cierres de Alimentos Envasados: FDA Certified Better Process Control School (BPCS) en Español

    cancelación de $ 200 si el libro ha sido enviado. Hay una tarifa de cancelación de $ 50 si el libro no ha sido ...

  3. FSPCA- Preventive Controls for Human Food Training

    to comply with the Hazard Analysis and Risk-based Preventive Controls for Human Foods rule. This ... Manufacturing Practice, Hazard Analysis, and Risk-based Preventive Controls for Human Food regulation (referred ... “successfully completed training in the development and application of risk-based preventive controls”.  This ...

  4. Alfalfa Weevil Scouting

    between 1/16 to 1/8 inch in size while a fourth instar larva is about 3/8 inch in size. The larvae or ... crown level. Place the stems tip down into a plastic bucket.  Beat/shake vigorously the stems against ...

  5. Healthy Life

    minutes a day 5 days a week to reduce your risk of chronic conditions and relieve stress. *Eat light and ... risk of chronic conditions, children need 12-13 hours of sleep. *Watch less television to be more ... something else, read, play a board game or tidy up before bedtime. *Stop tobacco use to reduce your risk of ...

  6. Job Postings- New Positions Added Weekly! Cafe Carmen is Hiring for Spring Semester! Starting rate is $9.50 an hour with a free meal each ...

  7. Tri-State Green Industry Conference

    The Tri-State Green Industry Conference is a collaborative effort between Ohio State University ... College, and the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden. It features a variety of high-quality education and ...

  8. Pesticide License Testing 2015

    OSU Extension Wayne County has set up testing dates with the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) ... a private applicator license is $30 and a commercial applicator license is $35. Testing sessions will be ... There are a limited amount of spaces available for each testing session.  Once the spaces are filled, ...

  9. Conservation Tillage Club Conference

    Nutrient Management, Soil & Water Quality, Precision Agriculture, Soil Health, On-Farm Research and ...

  10. Pesticide License Testing at OARDC

    OSU Extension Wayne County has set up testing dates with the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) ... the tests and all testing will take place in Fisher Auditorium at OARDC from 1:00 pm until 4:00 pm on ... for each testing session. Once the spaces are filled, the testing session is closed. Register to ...
