
Search results

  1. SENR Seminar Series- Rod Williams 4/4/19

    Dr. Rod Williams, Engagement Faculty Fellow and Associate Professor of Wildlife in Forestry and Natural Resources at Purdue University, will present  An Engaged Approach to Endangered Species Conservation from 4:10-5:30P.M. in 164 Howlett Hall. Brief Summ ...

  2. Coastal Resilience Specialist

    relates to topics such as climate hazards, habitat restoration, planning, sea level rise, and/or coastal ... Master’s level degree in coastal management, marine/environmental policy, planning, natural resource ...

  3. TWEL David Slager Thesis

      Long-distance migrant songbirds spend the majority of their migratory time and energy stopping over between ...

  4. Fish-Sampling Techniques Workshop at Stone Lab

    Ohio state agencies with a better trained, entry-level workforce. For more information please contact ...

  5. Volunteer Naturalists Are Certified, Celebrated and Ready to Serve

    topics, including ecological concepts, geology, soils, plants, forests, insects, aquatic life, ...

  6. SENR Spring 2013 Seminar Listing

    Soil Maps by Data Mining Existing Soil Surveys Brian Slater, Associate Professor, School of Environment ... Environment and Natural Resources, Ohio State University. Feb. 21 Assessing and Managing Soil Quality for ...

  7. Pilot Plants

    a state-of-the-art sensory evaluation testing service that are available for new product development, process ...

  8. Honors Thesis Presentation

    relationship between season of burn and oak regeneration in contemporary forests. Average fire temperatures ...

  9. Buckeyes Are Toxic to (Real) Ducks, Say Ohio State Ag Experts, But Biggest Risk May Be on Football Field

    Agriculture’s PLANTS database  carries a red-letter warning: “Ohio buckeye is highly toxic when taken ...

  10. Travonya Kenly's Graduate Exit Seminar

    Travonya Kenly will present  Variability in Ecological Trophic Networks of Aquatic Insects along Stream Nutrient Gradients  Thursday, May 8th in Heffner Building (Olentangy River Wetland Research Park), Room 101. Food webs, which describe biotic interacti ...
