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  1. Septoria Brown Spot and Bacterial Blight

    reasons, the variety is moderately to highly susceptible AND you can easily find frogeye in the field. In ...

  2. Corn Response to Nitrogen in Muck Soil

    2017 Hardin Co N Rate Corn.pdf 2017 Corn Corn Corn Fertility Nitrogen Muck Hardin ...

  3. Paint Creek Watershed Project

    Creek Watershed Project began in 1994 as a local Soil and Water Conservation District initiative to ...

  4. What's Limiting Soybean Yield?

    difference between what yield is possible on your farm each year and what yield you actually achieve is ...

  5. FSR CCA College: Register by September 4th

    for all experience levels and non-CCA’s as well. We’ll meet in the Agronomic Crops Team Demonstration ...

  6. Adapting soybean burndown programs for large marestail

    should be the equivalent of 8 to 10 oz of metribuzin 75 DF (possibly less on sandy soils low in organic ...

  7. The Benefits of 4-H Summer Camp

    4-H members and non 4-H members.  The cost is $150 for 4-H members and $155 for non 4-H members.  The ...

  8. Application of Manure to Newly Planted Wheat Fields

    While the results were good, yields were not as high as expected due to the delay in getting the manure ...

  9. FSR Agronomy College coming September 15th

    Nutrient Placement Systems for Improved Efficiency and Environmental Consequences in High Yield Corn – Tony ...

  10. SÕL-CON: The Brown and Black Comix Expo Opening Reception

    authors/artists will feature their work, comic book creating workshops for high school and middle school students, ... their work, comic book creating workshops for high school and middle school students, academic panels, ...
