
Search results

  1. SES's Climate, Water and Environment Mini-Symposium

    SENR  "The Ties that Bind: Energetic Linkages between Land and Water: A schedule above is subject ...

  2. Assistant Professor to study long-term, post-wildfire changes in sagebrush ecosystems

    Matt Davies, an assistant professor of soil and plant community restoration in the School of ...

  3. Environmental Professionals Network SIGNATURE EVENT- Women In Conservation

    Ohio State's 2019 Environmental Professionals Network Signature Event highlights the role that female conservationists have played in leading humanity’s protection and improvement of natural resources. Female global icons symbolize much of the enviro ...

  4. Honors requirements for incoming freshmen

    to The Ohio State University, you are a university level honors student and a candidate for the  SENR ...

  5. OSU Changing Climate Webinar

    Lyndsey Manzo, Westerville North High School science teacher and educator with Ohio Sea Grant. Lyndsey ...

  6. SENR Seminar Series- Amanda Rodewald 4/18/19

    Dr. Amanda Rodewald, Director of Conservation Science, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, will present  Strategic Conservation and Co-Benefits in Working Landscapes  from 4:10-5:30PM in 164 Howlett Hall. The global conservation community has moved beyond its tra ...

  7. Ian Newman's Honors Thesis Defense

    Ian Newman will be presenting his Honors Thesis Defense,  Zoning Policy and Implementation Effectiveness While Under Consistent Threat of Seismic Catastrophe in Quito, Ecuador  on Monday, April 8 2019 at 2:30PM in Kottman 333C. Description of research: An ...

  8. Environment, Economy, Development and Sustainability (EEDS) Program Student Gathering

    sustainability in the private, public or non-profit sectors. EEDS is a joint major between the School of ...

  9. Registration Open, Scholarships Available for Forestry and Wildlife Conservation Camp

    who have just graduated from high school. Its goal is to introduce campers to trees, birds, bugs, ...

  10. Alexander Masheter's Graduate Exit Seminar

    Alexander Masheter will present  Short-Term Effects of Lowhead Dam Removal on Emergent Aquatic Insect Communities in the Olentangy River, Ohio  on Friday, July 13th at 10am in Heffner Building Room 101. ...
