
Search results

  1. Minimizing pollen contamination of non-GMO Corn

    feet from a pollen source, and at a distance of 40 to 50 feet, the number of outcrosses is reduced by ... 99%. Other research has indicated that cross-pollination between corn fields could be limited to 1% or ...

  2. Nature Workshop

    Teaming with Insects: Level 1 Professional(s):   Mark Badertscher, Patty Cribley,  and John Mueller RSVP ...

  3. Harvest Delays Impact Corn Performance

    6% between harvest dates in Oct. and Nov. delaying harvest after early to mid Nov. achieved almost no ... eliminated this effect. * The greatest increase in stalk rot incidence came between harvest dates in October ... between the Oct. and Dec. harvest dates.  Most of the yield loss, about 11%, occurred after the early-mid ...

  4. Research Group Meeting

    219 Greetings Jim   Can you please reserve room 219 on 1st Feb 2016 between 11:30 to 12:30 For Dr ...

  5. Manure Science Review- Wednesday, July 25

    calibration, Soil health: #SoilYourUndies, Shallow tillage for manure application, Seeding cover crops with ...

  6. Recruitment Visit

    202 I found that 202 is open tomorrow between 1:15 and 2 when I need it and I will need it again ...

  7. Recruitment Visit

    202 I found that 202 is open tomorrow between 1:15 and 2 when I need it and I will need it again ...

  8. Southwestern Ohio Specialty Crop Conference

    the program is $50 and will include a continental breakfast, buffet lunch and a USB memory stick ...

  9. Engineer's Week Kickoff Event

    140 The College of Engineering is hosting a webcast that they need 40-50 engineering students to ...

  10. Dealing with Winter Injured Forage Stands

    in alfalfa. The saturated soil during much of the winter took its toll, with winter heaving being ...
