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  1. EEOB Spring Seminar Series

    of symbiotic relationships between beneficial bacterial and the insects they support using ...

  2. Ohio Woodland, Water, Wildlife Conference Recap

    attendance, ranging from Ohio resource managers to researchers and everything in between. Attendees also ...

  3. Iceland 2016 Student Blog

    12 Entry 1 We Made It! Rebecca We finally took our first, highly anticipated, steps in country and ... see, and why did you expect to see this?” and “How do these differences between Icelandic culture and ... reflection, we played a trivia-esque game to test our knowledge of what we had learned so far, then discussed ...

  4. TWEL Molly McDermott Dissertation

    high avian use of shade-coffee and silvopastures, and (3) sensitivity of birds to characteristics of ... habitat type given the high variation in management practices within agroforestry systems. This ... across all habitats surveyed. The negative relationship between patch density and abundance of two ...

  5. Possible Summer Internship with Rocky Smiley

    Smiley ( their resumes, an essay (no more than three pages single spaced) describing ...

  6. Three Million Year Old Polar Plants & What They Tell Us Of Our Climate's Past

    features a presentation on interactions between Earth’s plant life and our planet’s climate with a specific ...

  7. Project Buckeye

    one, and we are looking forward to the partnerships between the students, faculty, and staff as we all ...

  8. Building African Food Security One Student at a Time

    Ohio State in 2012, focusing on soil science. He said he hopes his research in soil mapping of ... caption:  Boniface Massawe analyzes soil samples at the soil sciences laboratory at Sokoine University of ...

  9. SENR scientists author chapter in newly published book

    and High-Severity Fire” investigates the diverse array of impacts of wildfire on streams and riparian ...

  10. Flip It Good: (At Least) 3 Benefits of Pond Aeration

    details as:   How preventing stratification can boost a pond’s dissolved oxygen levels, a plus for fish. ... How preventing stratification can limit dissolved phosphorus levels in the water and in doing so ...
