
Search results

  1. Functional Genomics of Helicoverpa midgut

    insect pest of high agricultural importance in developing countries, in particular. It causes significant ...

  2. Beyond the Law of Supply and Demand for Forages

    to forages  large supply, low demand, low prices; low supply, high demand, high prices. On the other ... in the ration with nonforage feeds, even if supply is very limited and prices are quite high ...

  3. Dairy Judging

    Sunday, January 17.  The team finished 2nd in the Jersey breed and Ella Jackson was 5th high individual ... overall.  She also placed in the top 5 in two breeds, as well as 3rd high individual in reasons.  With 14 ...

  4. Selecting Corn Hybrids for Silage

    the sole criteria when selecting a hybrid. A high yielding hybrid will usually reduce the cost of the ... hybrids, but concentrations of NDF and starch are negatively correlated. Hybrids with high NDF ... (approximately 24 to 30%) to achieve good milk production and maintain the health of the cow. A hybrid with high ...

  5. National Sheep Sales Heading to Ohio

    sheep is high and the state of Ohio sets midway between East Coast and Western Cornbelt breeders who ...

  6. Recently Published / Presented

    Chung HY, Choi YJ, Park HN, Davis ME. 2015. Associations between genetic variants in the promoter ... and others. 2015. INVITED REVIEW: Evolution of meat animal growth research during the past 50 years: ...

  7. 2018 Dairy Science Hall of Service

    Principles of Agribusiness Marketing; AEDE 4002: Quantitative Analysis for Agribusiness; a graduate level ...

  8. Pets 4 Life website emerges from the classroom

    another level. They created a website as an educational tool about pet ownership for Ohio State students. ...

  9. Heat Stress- Where Should You Start?

    Mrs. Dianne Shoemaker, Dairy Extension Specialist, OSU Extension (top of page) "The highs ... will be higher and shorter (in duration); the lows will be lower and last longer than the highs ... observation: "...when prices are high, prepare for the lows...don't do anything stupid." ...

  10. The Vet Clinic in Worthington

    5617 N. High Street Worthington, OH 43085. ...
