
Search results

  1. Ohio State Extension Hosts First Neonatal Calf Workshop

    knowledge and skills for successfully rearing today's high-value calves by attending the first Ohio ...

  2. Secrest Arboretum Crabapples Could Hit Peak Starting This Weekend (May 5-6)

    “Depending on the weather, the peak should be sometime between Saturday (May 5) and the middle of next ...

  3. Are All Grow Lights Created Equal?

    each seed catalog delivered to my home, it inches my excitement level to begin spring up just once more ...

  4. OSU President Gee to Keynote Wooster Campus Scarlet, Gray, Green Fair

    highly experienced and respected university presidents in the nation, Gee returned to Ohio State after ...

  5. Volunteers Dig in for Tornado-hit Arboretum

    May 4, 2011 WOOSTER, Ohio-- Fifty-some high school and college students recently planted trees in ...

  6. Annual Plants Trials Underway at Ohio State's Columbus Campus: Come and Judge by Yourself

    activities sponsored by the university. On Saturday, July 9, busses will run between the trials and the ...

  7. Family Fundamentals: Money tips geared to teens heading to college (July 2011)

    difference between private loans and federal student loans. The pros and cons of working while attending ...

  8. Creating Accessible Agriculture at Farm Science Review 2011

    “AgrAbility” Bus will be available from noon to 4 p.m. daily to transport individuals between the exhibit area ...

  9. Education at Farm Science Review to Include Ohio State University Regional Campuses

    attract some of the more than 5,000 high school students who visit the show.   Jill Tyson, coordinator of ... a prize," said Tyson. "The purpose of the game is to encourage high school students to visit each booth ...

  10. Chow Line: It's OK for spinach to see the light (for 5/22/11)

    leaves exposed to light had significantly higher levels of carotenoids (which transform into vitamin A in ...
