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  1. FSPCA- Preventive Controls for Human Food Training

    with the Hazard Analysis and Risk-based Preventive Controls for Human Foods rule. This workshop meets ... Compliance The Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Hazard Analysis, and Risk-based Preventive Controls for ... application of risk-based preventive controls”. This course developed by the FSPCA is the “standardized ...

  2. Minding the Brand: Talking about Templates

    more than 50 of your colleagues — in a multitude of roles — have been experimenting with Express ...

  3. Insurance

    Insurance and Indemnification Contents OSU Office Risk Management Employee Coverage Property ... a business that otherwise require a contract to be executed between OSU Extension and the landowner.  ... university is $50,000. This coverage does not cover theft, but would cover damage such as tornado damage. The ...

  4. US Dairy Herds and Policy and the 2022 Census of Agriculture

    dairy herds over the last 50 years, the decline between the 2017 and 2022 Census of Agriculture was ... had 50-99 cows.  Another 11,942 farms had milk cows on December 31, 2022 but had not sold any milk ... farms.  Herds of 20-49 cows declined the most on a percentage basis, followed by herds of 50-99, 10-19, ...

  5. Safeguarding Your Herd: How Biosecurity Keeps Salmonella Dublin at Bay

    a bacterial pathogen that presents a significant risk to both the dairy industry and human health. While there ... have the same biosecurity requirements. The level of biosecurity varies based on factors like herd ... are part of standard biosecurity procedures to reduce the risk of exposure to Salmonella and other ...

  6. Establishing Alfalfa and Weed Management

    be between 25 and 50 ppm. The Mehlich III soil test P concentrations should be between 40 and 79 ppm ... . The recommended rate of potash is based upon the soil test level in ppm, the cation exchange capacity, ... and yield goal.  If lime is required and the Bray P1 soil test value for phosphorus is below 25 ppm ...

  7. Backyard Poultry Certification Course Now Available via Scarlet Canvas

    With the increased interest in keeping backyard poultry, OSU Extension developed a Backyard Poultry Certification Course that is available through Scarlet Canvas. ...

  8. Dairy Palooza 2024

    a suggested level of Junior, Intermediate, or Senior. The program was cleverly crafted with skill and catchy ...

  9. Capstone students contribute to space research

    guided the project members to reduce biofilm growth by testing a variety of materials with antimicrobial ... Pathology to revise their testing methods, leading to the design and 3D printing of an apparatus to test how ... oxygen sensors need to be developed and tested thoroughly to ensure that astronauts are eating healthy, ...

  10. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

    valuable information. Among the speakers are Barry Fisher, a soil health expert; Dan Quinn, Purdue ... Biologics; Laura Johnson, Heidelberg University; Shawn Lucas, Kentucky State University; Terry Hofecker, Soil ... Agriculture and Natural Resources Educators in local counties with assistance from local Soil and Water ...
