
Search results

  1. Chow Line: Use Nutrition Month to get back on track

    eye. Look at the “% Daily Value” column. Aim high (20 percent or more) in vitamins, minerals and fiber, ...

  2. Chow Line: Protein guidance can be confusing

    high in omega-3 fatty acids; and beans, peas, soy products and unsalted nuts. For more detail, see the ...

  3. Family Fundamentals: Ohio Saves can help you with savings goals (September 2013)

    Martha Filipic I had high hopes in January that we would build up our emergency fund to ...

  4. New School Year: Think Big with Career in Food, Ag, Environmental Sciences

    service projects. Students also take part in valuable internships and have a high rate of job placement ...

  5. Luis Rodriguez-Saona: Helping develop a test for fibromyalgia


  6. Experimental blood test accurately spots fibromyalgia


  7. President Gee 'Greatly Valued 4-H Experience'

    is among the most highly experienced, respected and recognized leaders in higher education. And he ...

  8. Media Advisory: Sudden Temperature Drop’s Impact on Gardens

    garden with the sudden drop in temperatures. Early temperatures were forecast for a high of 70 degrees in ...

  9. Additional CompensationOLD

    approver before attaching to the HRA for processing. All levels of approval listed on the off duty pay and ... by all necessary levels by the Monthly Department/Initiator Deadline. Requests for biweekly employees ... should be approved by all necessary levels by noon on Monday of each deadline week. Supplemental ...

  10. Chow Line: Are You Eating Out for Valentine’s Day?

    eggs, meat, poultry and fish, need to be cooked to a temperature high enough to kill pathogens that may ...
