
Search results

  1. Fifteen New AgrAbility Fact Sheets Online

    Reducing the risks of prolonged exposure to cold, wet and windy conditions in a farm environment. Managing ...

  2. OARDC to Host Compost Bedded Pack Dairy Barn Workshop on Dec. 5

    Zhao said. Possible benefits of the system also include less environmental risk from the ...

  3. Media Advisory: Ohio State Experts Available to Speak on Thousand Cankers Disease in Walnut Trees

    involved with testing suspect walnut samples for TCD. Based in Columbus. 614-292-5006, ...

  4. Genetic Improvement Propels Corn Yield Past Weather Woes

    fact, he noted that the partnership between work done throughout the land-grant system and in private ...

  5. New Spray Technologies, Disease Trials: See Them at Ohio State's Pumpkin Field Day Sept. 5 in South Charleston

    canopy," Jasinski said. "The four-treatment trial will compare coverage differences between flat-fan ...

  6. Chow Line: Focus on safety with mailed food gifts (12/7/12)

    opened. It depends on several factors, including the product’s moisture content, its level of acidity, its ...

  7. Honoring Alumni

    Alumni Award and was lauded for his key role in developing ties between CFAES and Turkish institutions. ...

  8. Recruiting Engineers Day 2013

    Room 3 1739 N. High St Columbus, OH 43210 United States See map: Google Maps Recruiting Engineers Day ...

  9. UPDATE: Olympic-Sized Tale of Generosity Featuring Ohio State Retiree to be Told on NBC Editor: The photos are from Shirley Brooks-Jones. "Lewisporte.jpg" is an early-summer ... shot of Brooks-Jones adopted home. "Wheel.jpg" shows Brooks-Jones testing her prowess at the ...

  10. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Apple or crabapple? (for the week of Oct. 28, 2001)

    October 17, 2001 Dear Twig: What's the difference between an apple and a crabapple? Basically ...
