
Search results

  1. Precision Agriculture, From Old to New, at Farm Science Review

    application. Growers can also see the next level of auto steer with technology that will automatically turn ...

  2. Communiqué June 6, 2012

    a PowerPoint presentation that provides helpful hints to form tri-state teams. Up to $50,000 will be awarded to ...

  3. Soybean Production Woes Continue into Harvest

    get the grain into the combine." According to Ohio Agricultural Statistics Service, over 50 ...

  4. Deadlines Looming for Farmers Interested in Farm Bill Disaster Program

    experienced a 50 percent reduction in production due to adverse weather. • With SURE, eligible farms increase ...

  5. Plant-Based Meal Paves Way for \"Organically-Grown\" Fish

    is $120/ton. Food is 50 percent of all costs in aquaculture, so it's important if we can find ...

  6. Student-designed, built ag rescue trailer to be unveiled at Review

    grounds, McGuire said. And, in recognition of the Farm Science Review’s 50th anniversary, a collection of ...

  7. Chow Line: Pesticide-free not the same as 'organic' (for 8/22/10)

    preservation method) on the land or the harvested crop. Organic farms manage soil fertility and crop nutrients ...

  8. OSU Extension to Offer Tax Workshop

    the farmer provisions, prepaid expenses, fertilizer containment structures, soil and water ...

  9. Communiqué August 28, 2013

    commissioners to develop a utility-scale solar farm. The initial level of interest was low to moderate. However, ... residents have concerns about property values, visual impacts and noise levels. Meanwhile in eastern Ohio, ...

  10. Ohio's Corn Benefited Little from Hurricane Katrina

    said Thomison. "Prompt harvest is highly desirable since stalk quality is problematic this year. ...
