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  1. 2014 North Central Regional Aquaculture Conference Presentations

    Decision Process for Individuals, Robert Rode Hybrid Aquaponics: Commercial Viability with High Density RAS ...

  2. Ohio farmers’ markets increase Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) redemption by offering incentives

    on Saturdays, we have a couple of people who split their mornings between us and Worthington FM, ...

  3. OFWMA Webinar Series

    observations from 2006-2011. Additionally, highly trained field staff conducted nearly 15,000 abundance ...

  4. River ecosystems show ‘incredible’ initial recovery after dam removal

    level of marine-derived nutrient intake.   The research team watched for multiple attempts to breed and ...

  5. Ohio Department of Agriculture updates fertilizer certification program rules

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  6. TWEL Marjorie Liberati Thesis

    population declines in the Midwest. Early successional woody habitat was highly selected at multiple spatial ...

  7. Spring 2014 SENR Seminar Series

    characteristically high rates of mortality from predation and severe weather events. The American landscape ...

  8. SENR FALL HIKE: Christmas Rocks Nature Reserve Trip

    ALL SENR Students, Faculty, and Staff are invited to attend! This event is free. We will be providing bus transportation to Christmas Rocks and providing delicious snacks during our hike!  Lauren Metcalf, from ODNR will be leading this hike and sharing in ...

  9. Rewriting Ohio's Phosphorus Risk Index

    Hear how Ohio State research and the fam community are collaborating. ...

  10. Reflections on Biking To Work

    extended, allowing easy connection between Clintonville and Ohio State. Sharp notes for a long time (nearly ...
