
Search results

  1. Reminder –Western Agricultural Research Station to have Two Field Days Next Week

    State Route 41 between Springfield and South Charleston in Clark County. Thanks to our Ohio commodity ...

  2. Rural Residential

    management experts both at Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District and The Ohio State University there ...

  3. Potato Leafhopper in Alfalfa

    for new seedings made this year. Consider lowering the threshold to half the normal level for new ...

  4. The Process of Harvesting Miscanthus in Northeast Ohio

    perennial warm-season grass that grows relatively fast on less-than-ideal soils and can be used either as ... of miscanthus can be loaded on each wagon.      In order to negotiate the wet soils prevalent in ... solidification applications.  The product is safe, clean, and will dissolve back into the soil within days of application or may ...

  5. Rootworm Hatch is Underway

    saturate the soils.  This heavy moisture will tend to increase mortality of these very small larvae.  How ...

  6. Two Events Will be Held at OSU's Molly Caren Agricultural Center- September 12 and 13

    the evolving needs of their customers at a personal, professional and industry-wide level ...

  7. Be Mindful of Bees during Delayed Planting this Season

    lost more than half of our colonies and beekeepers around the state are reporting levels of winter kill ... pollen containing corn seed treatment insecticides, sometimes at levels that would be expected to cause ...

  8. ODNR Scenic Rivers

    to protect Ohio's remaining high quality streams for future generations. Scenic rivers retain ...

  9. FABE Wooster is Moving Forward

    pilot plant and testing. ARS engineers were also given lab space across the Wooster campus. Planning for ...

  10. Late Fall Weed Control in Winter Wheat

    before use. We discourage application of 2,4-D to emerged wheat in the fall due to the risk of injury and ...
