
Search results

  1. Jamie Dunaisky

    Half Hollow Hills East High School. I really love the school spirit at OSU! One interesting fact about ...

  2. DLS Helps to DIY

    encourage him/her to reach for them, and crawl or toddle after the bubbles.  In between blows, encourage ...

  3. Conservation Tillage Club Breakfast

    Free – No RSVP Soil Health – Steve Baker CCA Credits ...

  4. Corn and Soybean Viruses

    sales of high quality food grade soybeans, one of Ohio’s top export crops. There is no known adequate ... with highly defined combinations of three genes for virus resistance in a genetically desirable, but ... virus susceptible, background. Tests of these lines indicated differential resistance to three different ...

  5. Study Abroad

    and cultures You’re willing to step outside the box and take risk You can communicate effectively with ... abroad programs you can: Learn about the relationships between people and their natural environment while ... development and learn about the relationship between people and their natural environment in Fiji. Explore the ...

  6. Monica Pennewitt

    where I attended Wilmington High School. I love OSU because it is full of never-ending opportunities. ...

  7. Lauren Hamer

    Rank: Junior Major: Animal Science – Bioscience Specialization I attended Bellevue High School and ...

  8. Brianne Flanagan

    and attended Edwardsburg High School. I love OSU because of the diversity and the opportunities it has ...

  9. Paige Docklovic

    I attended Madison High School. I love OSU and the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences ...

  10. Scarlet, Gray, and Green Fair

    green energy research and industry in addition to the Fair activities. It features over 50 exhibitors, ...
