
Search results

  1. At the corner of eating and healthy: Ohio State center targets functional foods

    focuses on the complex relationship between diet and health. Part of the College of Food, Agricultural, ...

  2. RumensinĀ® Approved for Lactating Dairy Cows

    the continual feeding rate between 11 and 22 g/ton). The base product released by Elanco is Rumensin ...

  3. Midwest Dairy Challenge Held in Menomonie, Wisconsin

    teams of students were divided between two dairy farms located in the Menomonie area.Ā All students are ...

  4. Bonnie's "Buckeye Moos" Update

    dairy youth from all areas of the State. As far as the collegiate level of judging, 5 students and ...

  5. September is Food Safety Month

    temperature ā€œdanger zoneā€ ā€” between 40 and 140 degrees. While it may be tempting to think that re-heating food ...

  6. Aquaponics project combines learning, innovation, and community service in Honduras

    aquaculture with hydroponics to grow fish and vegetables without soil. It offers an affordable and sustainable ...

  7. ASABE-UCD Administrators

    Wednesday 19 th September 2012 09.30-10.50- Welcome to UCD Biosystems Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Francis Butler (University ... of College Dublin) 10.50-11.15- Break 11.15-12.30- Tour UCD Biosystems/UCD 12.30-13.30- Lunch ...

  8. Women Inspire

    joining TriVersity, Nissa worked for otherĀ high profile construction companies in the region. Nissa ...

  9. Compare Your Dairy Farm With NY Dairy Farms

    operator in 1998 jumped to an all time high of $55,000. 1999 was also a very good year for many milk ...

  10. Ohio State Collegiate Dairy Judging Team Competes at the North American International Livestock Exposition

    Ayrshire and Brown Swiss. Tessa Topp was the 6th high individual overall and earned 3rd place for her sets ...
