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  1. How to Prepare for an FDA or Third Party Plant Audit

    seven days before the course date to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 cancelation fee. In the ...

  2. AEDE Participation in 5th Annual Midwest Graduate Student Summit on RPHE Economics

    with Doug Wrenn and Elena Irwin, “Tests of the Urban Economic Model Using a New Measure of Leapfrog ...

  3. Compare Your Dairy Farm With NY Dairy Farms

    operator in 1998 jumped to an all time high of $55,000. 1999 was also a very good year for many milk ...

  4. Ohio State Collegiate Dairy Judging Team Competes at the North American International Livestock Exposition

    Ayrshire and Brown Swiss. Tessa Topp was the 6th high individual overall and earned 3rd place for her sets ...

  5. Ohio 4-H Dairy Judging Results at North American International Livestock Exposition

    Ayrshire and Brown Swiss. Tessa Topp was the 6th high individual overall and earned 3rd place for her sets ...

  6. Research from Professor Elena Irwin, Professor Mark Partridge, AEDE Swank Chair in Rural-Urban Policy, and AEDE alumnus Heather Stephens, PhD, profiled in Twine Line, a magazine of The Ohio Sea Grant College Program

    Premium: Highly Educated Buyers Willing to Pay to Live Close to Lake Erie”, focuses on an analysis of two ... note, the AEDE team found that during the period studied, Lake Erie not only attracted highly educated ...

  7. Tools for Measuring Sustainability

    The workshop is designed to facilitate collaboration between sustainability professionals. Our goal is ...

  8. Northeast Ohio Dairy Survey Results Released

    years are: feed management (57.9%), genetic improvement (50.9%), and milking herd health management ...

  9. The Value and Common Sense of Job Descriptions

    write and use job descriptions praise their benefits. Most labor management specialists highly recommend ...

  10. Faculty Serve as Co-Organizers for Regional, Urban, and Spatial Economics Conference in China

    top-level Chinese scholars working in these fields. The conference was organized by the China Center for ...
