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  1. Quality Assurance Test-Out

    You must RSVP to Emily Kahrs at ...

  2. Student Organization Student Leader Info Session- UPDATED DATE ****UPDATED DUE TO TESTING***** Session 2: Friday September 4 at Noon  ...

  3. Master Gardener Training Session 9

    $150 for 8 Week Course, Refreshments & Seminar – RSVP by February 16th for course Lawns and ...

  4. State Budget Update – CFAES and OSU Extension Highlights

    this significant increase during a continuing pandemic. It speaks highly of your value and your ...

  5. Fitness Classes

    visit HIIT = High, intensity interval training at your own pace!   Yoga with Dee ...

  6. Monitor Cressleaf Groundsel and Plan for Control

    forage poses some significant toxicity risks to livestock consuming that forage.  If Cressleaf Groundsel ... cattle, but it can be fatal at high enough doses to all age groups. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids are the ... with high concentrations of Cressleaf Groundsel may be forced to bale first cutting and throw it away ...

  7. Communiqué June 20, 2012

    creates a high level of trust between leaders and their teams, as well as a great deal of respect that the ... Show Loyalty- Behavior #5 of High-Trust Leaders-Keith Smith, associate vice president, ... general actions of high-trust leaders, and high-trust leaders consciously work to improve their behavior. ...

  8. Section I: Overview of Cost Recovery

    activities open to the public; Food safety class for high-risk individuals. Targeted Public Good Programs- ... audiences for customized, high quality programming. Assure that Extension does not unfairly undercut private ... The chart below illustrates the major differences between the programs and services available for the ...

  9. Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training School- Clermont County ...

  10. Identifying and Managing Feed Shrink

    $0.60/cow/day.   Decreasing these losses by 50% could save a farm $100 per cow per year. To reach the goal of ... a 50% reduction in shrink, it helps to identify shrink of individual ingredients.   An 8% shrink loss on ... count by fives. The accuracy error is typically about 1%, but varies a lot between mixers on different ...
