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2020 Award Winners
Biological Engineering Newcomb Scholar – ATI Ross Black Crop Management and Soil Conservation ...
Resource Cafe
equipment, electrical design and testing, mechanical design and testing, and traditional machine shop ... capabilities. Table #12 Canvas Function- Branching Scenarios Jessica Henderson, Instructional Designer, College ... information and resources related to the development and employment of branching scenarios. We will provide ...
The Scoop on CAUV Soil Value Changes to Cropland and Woodland
mandated reappraisal and triennial updates that want to understand how and why CAUV soil values will adjust ... soil values in NE Ohio Jack Irvin, Ohio Farm Bureau Vice President for Public Policy Farmland market ... Bureau on-site and attend the meeting. Registration is highly encouraged- Register Here An opportunity ...
Professional Golf Management
a medium for the exchange of ideas between the golf community and PGM students, provides guidance to PGM ... Bachelor of Science in Agriculture. Possible Career Options Director of Golf Equipment Testing Manager ...
We Advance Careers
alumni $50,638 average starting salary for undergraduate alumni ...
Zoller and Barrett Named to Interim OSU Extension Positions
professionals Eric Barrett and Chris Zoller to state-level interim positions. Barrett will serve as interim ...
Farmers’ child care needs
growing and reaching its full potential. “It feels like we’re always split between keeping the kids safe ... farm. Parents constantly weigh the risks and benefits of having children on the farm. One farmer planned ...
Manure Gases Pose Safety Risks
breath. Methane poses a threat because it is lighter than air and is explosive at levels of 50,000 ppm and ... paralyzed. Low concentrations will cause dizziness, headache, nausea and respiratory tract irritation. High ... million (ppm). At this concentration, death is quick, within minutes. Ammonia has a characteristic ...
Manure Gases Pose Safety Risks
breath. Methane poses a threat because it is lighter than air and is explosive at levels of 50,000 ppm and ... paralyzed. Low concentrations will cause dizziness, headache, nausea and respiratory tract irritation. High ... million (ppm). At this concentration, death is quick, within minutes. Ammonia has a characteristic ...
Warm Season Annual Grasses
generally result when soil pH is above 6.0, soil phosphorus is at 15 ppm Bray P1 (28 ppm Mehlich 3), soil ... 48 inches or seed heads begin to emerge, expect single digit CP values coupled with 50% TDN levels ... season annual grasses offer an alternative to provide some high quality, good yielding forage in those ...