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  1. Food Engineering

    sterilization/pasteurization, including ohmic heating, pulsed electric fields, ultra-high pressure processing Interaction of ...

  2. Ashtabula County Short-Season Corn Variety Test Plots

    Ashtabula County Short-Season Corn Variety Test Plots.pdf 2000 Corn Corn Performance Test 2000 ...

  3. Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training

    fertilizer to more than 50 acres of agricultural production grown primarily for sale.  This requirement was ...

  4. No Pigweed Left Behind- Late-Season Scouting for Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp

    infestations of these weeds should be of high priority for Ohio growers.  When not adequately controlled, ... dark.- Plants without mature seed should be cut off just below the soil surface, and ideally removed from ... test any seed used for these purposes for the presence of Palmer amaranth.- Feel free to contact OSU ...

  5. HTST Maintenance Workshop

    hydraulics, pumps, valves, STLR maintenance, equipment testing and regulatory compliance. The workshop is ... refund. There is a $50 cancellation fee. No refunds will be given for cancellations after October 11 or ...

  6. Soybean Vegetative Growth Stages- VC vs V1

    VC definition for both methods is the same, but the differences start to appear between the methods ...

  7. Ashtabula County Short-Season Corn Variety Test Plots

    Ashtabula County Short-Season Corn Variety Test Plots.pdf 1999 Corn Corn Performance Test ...

  8. Cornish Inducted into Medical and Biological Engineering Elite

    for “high-performance, natural allergy-safe latex for medical and consumer products, supporting developing countries.” As ... academic, industry, government, and scientific societies to form a highly influential community ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-10

    Crop Canopy Mark Loux We have high expectations of herbicide programs anymore, and we have a lot of ... early planting or weedier fields.  When the time between planting and crop canopy closure stretches out, ... difficult to manage with one POST application.  The reality is that moderate to high infestations of giant ...

  10. What is the Meaning of Feekes Growth Stages in Wheat?

    a given stage. A wheat field reaches a new growth stage when more than 50% of the plants are at the next ... is below the soil surface and protected from above ground environmental and pest issues. These stages ... differentiated to include reproductive tissue in reproductive tillers and will be pushed above the soil surface ...
